:: Saturday, October 24, 2020 ::
Well, what a year it's been eh? Your mileage may vary, but we're all in partial lockdown again. no visitors indoors, but you can meet your family and friends in a cafe with a hundred strangers around you. Cafes, mind, not restaurants because Covids are alkies and hang around licensed premises. Stay away from the booze and it can't get you (like running upstairs from Daleks - a simple countermeasure that could easily have foiled the destruction of the galaxy by the Dalek empire, and put old Davros in a mental hospital - in an upstairs room, of course...).
So there have been no meetings, no car shows, no friendly runs out - nothing. I think I've used the TVR once for a wee run to myself, to celebrate its new MOT, the Chevy twice to go to the shops, and the Porsche for one longer run, and then for its MOT. That's it.
In the middle of September, I decided to have a look at a wee misfire that has been there for a while in the TVR. Rather than faff around, I bought a new coil, and new new plugs and leads, and fitted them with a new distributor cap and rotor arm (from my garage stock!). A wee test drive confirmed that it's much better!
So the whole summer has really been a bit of a write-off, and no signs of easing. The TVR will be going SORN from the start of November, and the Porsche shortly after that, after I have taken it for a service, and repair to oil cooling pipes at the start of November.
The Chevy really needs a garage - the paint is literally falling off it. I'm not re-spraying it then leaving it outside again, especially since I suspect that it will need some metalwork to door bottom etc when the old paint is sanded down.
There's always next year!
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