:: Diary - May 2021 ::

:: Thursday, 6 May, 2021 ::

Well, it's May. Lockdown is easing at last, we've had 2 jags like old John Prescott, and the world (or at least this part of it) is returning to almost normal. We can meet up outdoors with up to 6 people, but not indoors unless we're having a meal with no booze. There are various other small print conditions to all of that, that nobody really understands, especially not the people who wrote them.

Last weekend there, we thought that the weather might be nice enough to have a wee 3- or 4- person run in the TVRs for the first time since 2019. The weather was looking promising but unfortunately not everybody was available, so we didn't. I did manage to have a wee one-man TVR tour for an hour or so though so that was good. First time I've clapped eyes on the car, never mind driven it, since last October - it has been along at the farm for all that time!

Today it snowed and the weather forecast doesn't look too great for the next week or so at least, so no other runs planned.

I haven't carried out any work to the TVR ether - everything seems to work, no major problems!

Well, I say that, but there are a couple of things:

Still runs like a wet fart when cold but fine when warmed up;
Heater controls still very stiff (but who needs a heater?);
Door hinges need adjustment but I'm worried that the bolts are so tight that they will tear out of the fibreglass;
Inner arches are hitting the top suspension wishbone (or they were until I dremelled 5mm off the bottom of them).

And that's about it!

It's not exactly exciting, I know - but after 14 months shut in the house, everything's now an adventure!

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