:: Tuesday, May 19, 2020 ::
I've spent the last 2 days working on this website - partly to fix some broken links between pages, and various typo errors - although don't worry, several still remain!
The main task, though, has been to update the "events" page on the menu on the left. The last event on there was in 2007, so I've added 12 years worth of stuff to the photos. That turned out to be quite interesting, as I looked back over the years...
I have time for this because the country is still in lockdown. Nobody goes anywhere unless they have to. Nobody meets anybody unless they have to. Work is ticking along but it's not busy (not that I'm all that worried about that). I've had time to injure myself in many ways while carrying out various jobs around the house and garden.
At least it won't take long to update this year's car events...
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