:: Thursday, October 8, 2015 ::
The saga of spam email goes on…
Remember how I dais last month that I have disabled the old email account because of the amount of spam email it was generating? Well my web hosting company noticed this yesterday, and decided to suspend my whole account. Did they write and ask me to sort it? No. Did they check that I had already sorted it? No. The just pulled the plug and disabled the email and the website and everything.
I only discovered this by chance yesterday, and asked them to reinstate it all. Then I improved the security of the account, changed the email server, and a couple of other things because the account has been hi-jacked (obviously, I’m not going to explain too much about that here)!
Then I had to set up the webservers again to get the website back - and here it is!
See, this website pish is even more time-consuming than looking after the car!
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